Solutions – Human Has the availability of staff - in particular until 1 September - been ensured? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure a timely filling of any vacancies? YesNo Have measures been taken to limit the turnover of staff to ensure continuity and to capitalize on investments made in training of staff? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that recruited staff has the appropriate training (legally trained staff is often an asset)? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that the responsible staff is appropriately trained on ILO-related work? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that responsible staff has the required language skills? YesNo Had a plan of action for the reporting work been developed? YesNo Have clear lines of responsibility for the work been established? SiNo Have clear timeframes been set up for the work? SiNo Have measures been taken to ensure that report-writing work is properly appreciated (including giving positive feed-back when due)? SiNo Have measures been taken to ensure that an evaluation of the article 22 report-writing work is included in the work assessment of staff? SiNo Have measures been taken to provide additional training as an incentive to well-performing staff? SiNo Submit and print your form