
A selection of contributions relating to good experiences in ILS reporting.

This area of the website contains selected contributions from ILO constituents relating to their own good practice experiences connected to ILS reporting.

These good reporting practices are shared in the hope that they may be useful for ILO constituents developing their own practices that will improve the reporting and application of ILS in member States.

Browse and search the website by making a selection by country or by subject.

  • Choose “Country selection” in the navigation bar to the left in order to be presented with a list of countries for which good reporting examples have been collected.
  • Choose “Subject selection” in the navigation bar to the left to be presented with 4 broad subject areas into which the collected good reporting examples have been organized, regardless of country of origin.

Finally, choose “Collection point” in the navigation bar to the left to be presented with a questionnaire through which you can contribute your own reporting example. These contributions will allow organizers to select new examples to be included in the website.