
ILO action

  • Committee of Experts direct requests adopted in November/December the previous year are uploaded into NORMLEX.
  • Preparations for the Conference Committee session.

Action by national administrations

  • Governments called to present full particulars to the Conference Committee prepare their cases.

Action by social partners

    Has your Government been asked to present full particulars to the Conference Committee on the application of any ratified Convention?

    [group a clear_on_hide]
    You are well advised to prepare these cases carefully and to ensure that you have developed your position. Your preparations should include the collection of information to support the positions you may hold.
    [group b clear_on_hide]
    No specific action is required in this respect.

    Has any other Government been called to present full particulars to the Conference Committee on the application of a Convention of importance to you?

    [group c clear_on_hide]
    Prepare your position and seek to share your views with your international organizations having consultative status with the ILO, i.e. the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE).
    [group d clear_on_hide]
    No specific action is required in this respect.

    Submit and print your form