Solutions – Material Have measures been taken to organize internal archives, including, for example, previous article 22 reports submitted? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that key staff has a proper knowledge of NORMLEX? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that responsible staff knows where to request complementary information (through ILO Headquarters as well as through field Offices)? YesNo Have you considered preparing internal manuals or other tools to ensure that the institutional memory is maintained and accessible? YesNo If Internet access is uncertain, have measures been taken to ensure access to ILS materials published yearly on CD-ROMs by NORMES? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that key staff has a proper knowledge of NORMLEX? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure access to the yearly written reporting requests sent by the ILO in April for all relevant staff? YesNo Have measures been taken to ensure that managers and staff travelling to ILO Headquarters, for example for the annual International Labour Conference, are aware of needs for documentation? YesNo Submit and print your form