Reportings helpdesk

This is the Reporting helpdesk area of the managing international labour standards reporting website.

The Helpdesk assists you in managing ILS reporting.

It does this by offering you the opportunity to (a) ask questions, and (b) benefit from questions already answered. Indeed, the “Hints and Tips” area of the Helpdesk is also developed using questions and answers of general interest.

To ask a question, use the Inbox. Your question will be sent to the Helpdesk and you will get a reply via your private email box.

Use the navigation links to the left of the screen [“Inbox” and “Hints and Tips”] to get started.

Please note that the Helpdesk is not an official communication channel for the ILO.  Please do not attempt to use the Helpdesk to submit reports or official communications or requests to the ILO, to request technical assistance of an ILS Specialists on specific issues, or similar matters.