
ILO action

  • The International Labour Conference is held and during it the Conference Committee meets to examine the Committee of Experts report and a selection of individual cases where governments are called to present full particulars orally. The employers’ and workers’ representatives in the Conference Committee select these cases which normally will include the cases with double footnotes. The hearings of individual cases result in the adoption of conclusions, which are communicated orally to the governments concerned in the Conference Committee. Summaries of the discussion in the Conference Committee and the conclusions adopted are contained in the report of the Conference Committee adopted at the end of the Conference. The report is published on the ILO website and subsequently distributed in printed form. The Office circulates a printed copy of the report of the Conference Committee in July.

Action by national administrations

    Has your Government been among those called to present full particulars to the Conference Committee?

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    The conclusions of the discussion will include requests to your Government to provide further information to the forthcoming Committee of Experts. Such follow-up is supervised by the Committee of Experts in the context of article 22 reporting. This means that, you are required to prepare your response to the conclusions in time for the 1 September deadline and you need rapidly to organize your work in this respect after the International Labour Conference session. You can access the report of the Conference Committee through the ILO website and you will also receive a printed extract of the Conference Committee’s reports in July.
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    No action required.

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