
ILO action

  • The Office is prepared to receive reports.
  • The Office, and in particular the Decent Work Technical Support Team covering your country, is at your disposal to provide your Government with any technical assistance you may require in respect of both the submission of the reports due and of the issues raised by the Committee of Experts in its comments.

Action by national administrations

    Are you familiar with the practical procedures for the submission of article 22 reports?

    [group a clear_on_hide]
    Excellent! In that case you may be able to contribute to increasing the number of reports which are received in time. The submission of timely reports will contribute to the sound operation of the regular supervisory system.
    Reminder 1: Article 22 reports should reach the Office between 1 June and 1 September, at the latest. All reports do not need to be submitted at the same time. Reports can be submitted in hard copies, by fax or electronically by e-mail. Governments are encouraged to transmit reports electronically and include a scanned copy of the signature page. Most reports contain information in the form of annexes. Governments are encouraged not to transmit hardcopies of information that is accessible in publicly available electronic form. If documentation is transmitted in another form such as by regular mail, this should be clearly indicated in the report and be transmitted as expeditiously as possible.
    Reminder 2: Trials regarding electronic reporting are underway, but on-line reporting is not yet generally available.
    Reminder 3: Unless you have not already done so, you are required to communicate copies of all article 22 reports to the representative organizations of employers and workers. This can be done either before you finalize your report or, at the latest, when you send in your reports to the ILO by the due date.
    [group b clear_on_hide]
    Article 22 reports should reach the Office between 1 June and 1 September at the latest. All reports do not need to be submitted at the same time. Reports can be submitted in hard copies, by fax or electronically. Governments are encouraged to transmit reports electronically and include a scanned copy of the signature page. Most reports contain information in the form of annexes. Governments are encouraged not to transmit hard copies of information that is accessible in publicly available electronic form. If documentation is transmitted in another form such as by regular mail, this should be clearly indicated in the report and be transmitted as expeditiously as possible.
    Reminder 1: Trials regarding electronic reporting are underway, but on-line reporting is not yet generally available.
    Reminder 2: Unless you have not already done so you are required to communicate copies of all article 22 reports to the representative organizations of employers and workers. This can be done either before you finalize your report or, at the latest, when you send in your reports to the ILO by the due date.

    Submit and print your form