
ILO action

  • The Office sends a copy of requests for reports due the current year to national organizations of employers and workers.

Action by national administrations

  • Governments prepare yearly reports and replies to comments.
  • Governments parties to Convention No. 144 should schedule consultations on yearly reports.

Action by social partners

    Have you reviewed the information on this year’s Committee of Experts comments requests for reports?

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    Reminder: You should also prepare your views based on available information and in the light of information that you may have collected on the application in practice of the ratified Conventions at issue. Legislation or the way they are implemented may have changed, and national circumstances may also have changed. Note in particular that certain Conventions such as the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), call for policies and programmes, the implementation of which requires continued cooperation and interest on the part of the social partners.
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    In this case it is important that you do so.
    Reminder: You should also prepare your views based on available information and in the light of information that you may have collected on the application in practice of the ratified Conventions at issue. Legislation or the way they are implemented may have changed, and national circumstances may also have changed. Note in particular that certain Conventions such as the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), call for policies and programmes, the implementation of which requires continued cooperation and interest on the part of the social partners.

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